Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part B

Son of the Sun:

The way this story ends reminds me a lot of the story of Moses. I think it would be cool to try to combine the stories or tell them both side by side somehow.

Plot Summary:

  • Pandu marries Kunti.
  • Kunti grew up raised by her uncle who was the king.
  • Sage came to kingdom 
  • Sage whispered to Kunti a manta that would allow her to summon any God she wished
  • Kunti used mantra to summon sun God 
  • Kunti was in awe and could not answer why she had summoned him.
  • Sun god embraced Kunti and left her with a son.
  • Kunti realized she could not keep her son as an unmarried woman.
  • Kunti placed son in a basket and placed him on the river asking the sun God to look after him.

One Hundred Sons:

I like this story but I had already lost track of names at this point. I think this would be fun to retell in an even creepier way.

Plot Summary:

  • "Blind" wife became pregnant 
  • Pregnancy was troubled and plagued with nightmares
  • Gave birth to a lump of flesh.
  • Lump of flesh cast into the forest.
  • Vyasa divided lump into 100 pieces
  • Placed every piece into a vat of oil.
  • Bad things began to happen in Hastinapur 
  • Everyone sensed the 100 sons were demonic except parents.
Mahabharata Episode 9 - Son of the Sun | Epified 


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