Growth Mindset: Watch a Video

I watched the video Failing Superman to learn more about a differentiated approach to curriculum that may help students learn more in school. I definitely agree that there is a rift between school and the real world. I also think the video is correct in claiming that school is used as more of a filtering measure and rewards those who happen to be good at the subjects prioritized and sets others up failure even though they are inherently capable of learning and growth. I like the idea presented about students being able to choose their own curriculum and allowing students to use the technology available to them to learn. Despite this, I do find it kind of problematic that in the proposed vision of school outlined in the video students are responsible for bringing their own device. I think it's naive to assume that everyone can afford technology for school. It seems this could still disadvantage some students to me. On a similar note, I think it is still easier to learn some skills through an expert who can provide critical feedback. If students are relying on feedback from instructors who do not know much about what they are learning then the feedback students receive is almost useless to the student's learning.  I also think it's important that students do have at least some foundational knowledge in a wide variety of subjects. Additionally, I also think it's important that students learn how to persevere in school. I agree that this should not be the main point of school but I think that learning how to work hard at some thing you struggle with and maybe don't particularly love to do is a valuable experience that does correlate to real life. This has made me more curious about if any progress has been made in  bringing more personalized forms of education to high schools though.



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