Microfictions: Bob Goff Edition

Take A Risk. Land The Plane.
Bob circled the tower, once, twice, three times. He was either waiting for the final green light to come on or the low fuel warning to come on. Landing a plane with two of three wheels could be tough. Crash landing a plane without fuel would be tough. Landing a plane with a burnt out light bulb, however, turned out not to be so bad though. Those lousy five cent bulbs.

Source. Everybody Always by Bob Goff. (2018).

Bigger and Better
Start with a dime. A few knocks later end with a pick up truck.  

Source. Love Does by Bob Goff. (2012).

Author's Note: One of my favorite authors Bob Goff is speaking on campus tomorrow and in my anticipation I decided to use a couple of his stories to inspire my microfictions this week. It was hard to feel like I could tell stories I already liked a lot in a way that did them justice. I also found it difficult to convey a purpose in so short a story but I felt like purpose was really important in Bob Goff's original stories.  I like the parallel of having a big worry and small problem in the first story and starting with a small amount and ending with something worth so much more. 


  1. Hi Hannah,
    Interesting stories. I have never heard of Bob Goff. I really love the first story because I feel like often we worry about a lot of things, but in reality, they're really just very small. Sometimes, we get stuck in our own view of life and can't look past it. Okay, I am done with my philosophical ranting.
    Do more of this microfictions! They are short, but can be very philosophical I feel like.


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