Growth Mindset: Learn From Other Students

"So how do we overcome this uncomfortable feeling that many times prevents us from entering new situations that can enrich our lives? Our mindset is the problem. Instead of looking at new situations as a test of being perfect and proving ourselves, we should view new situations as an exciting new learning opportunity. There are so many opportunities to grow in our lives and we need to take advantage of those as often as possible!"


"An admittedly dorky self-quote, but I think there's something powerful in viewing typically-bad things as inherently important to our own success: Rain doesn't always have to weigh us down; sometimes it can wash off our burdens."

These two quotes remind me of the importance of taking a new, optimistic perspective. Things that are bad or scary can bring something good to our lives and help us grow. I don't know that the concept of looking at struggles as a way to grow is new to me but I feel like I can never get enough reminders!

This graphic is so cute!! (See the full post at the Padlet)


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