It’s Time to Discuss Time Strategies and the Time Shortage

Before I go into some deep thinking about Time Management brought on by my reading choice, I want to acknowledge that for me the best time management tip is to get ahead early because I find the class work much more enjoyable when I chose to do it instead of when I had to do it. Working well ahead of deadlines help me stay in the mindset of wanting to learn and wanting to complete my assignments.

Time is Always Running Out (Shutterstock)

So now onto the critical thinking part. I read Oliver Burkeman’s article “Why Time Management is Ruining Our Lives” and I have some mixed feelings about it. I feel like he recognized that time management strategies don’t really help to alleviate the anxiety that comes with feeling like you have limited time. I think it’s true that increasing your productivity won’t change that the reality that there is always something else to do and not enough time to do it all but I don’t think trying to manage your time better is a complete waste. If I’m honest about how I spend my time, I feel like I spend way to much of it watching TV or on my phone. There are so many things in my life like this that don’t really make me feel happy or add any value to my life they just help me check out for an hour (or twelve hours). For me, time management can help balance priorities and push me towards things that I don’t necessarily want to but things that will add the most value to my life in the long run.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying to make the most of your time but I also think that the best time we spend is spent blissfully unaware of time. So to me, if spending an hour each week thinking about my time can help me stop stressing about it the rest of the week, it’s worth it. And I think that’s possible with the right mindset. At its best time management isn’t about trying to be more productive it’s about trying to allow yourself to enjoy your time by giving your self enough to do the things that really matter.


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